About Us


The Icelandic Horse Riding Club Tyrol was founded in 1993 by Margit and Peter Schausberger.

In June 1996 we took over Hof "Luech" in 6323 Schwoich, Höhe 52.
The beautiful farmhouse is almost 300 years old.

In order to adapt the yard for the special needs of Icelandic Horses the stables had to be rebuilt and some new features were added. To keep the horses in the most natural way we built open stables and facilities to keep them in groups. Also we needed to fix the pastures and build the riding facilities.Today we have two squares (20m x 40m) and an oval track (250m) on which you can enjoy yourself training your horse.

From September 17th to 19th we host the Tyrolian Championships for Icelandic Horses for the second time on our facilities.


Who is family Schausberger?
Tanja Schausberger
aroused the "Icelandic Horse Virus" in the family. She is very talented and already a successful competitor in the youth class.
The Riding Lessons for children and adults on Icelandic Horses are mainly held by
Margit Schausberger.
She is in charge of the Riding Camps and Cross country Weeks.

Peter Schausberger
is a professional Icelandic Horse Training Supervisor and is responsible for the competitions. He ist also in charge of the Breeding and Sale of horses.


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Islandpferde Reitsportclub Tirol
Margit und Peter Schausberger, Höhe 52, A-6323 Schwoich
Austria/Europe, Tel/Fax: +43 5372 588 92, Mobil: +43 664 46 36 711

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Email the webmaster for comments or suggestions at d.schoebinger@usa.net